EKPS assist One Heritage to deliver One Victoria Scheme

EKPS are delighted to have secured consent for a non-material amendment for changes to the internal layout and amendments to the appearance of the scheme which will be located at Great Ducie Street and Mirabel Street in Manchester City Centre. EKPS also advised on the discharge of all pre-commencement conditions to enable One Heritage to start on site.

One Heritage acquired the site in 2022 and since that time has been working with DAY Architects to bring forward the development. Working closely with the design team, and appointed contractors Torsion, EKPS lead on discussions with Manchester City Council Planning Officers to ensure the proposed amendments could be dealt with as a Non-Material Amendment and ensure all pre-commencement conditions are discharged to enable a lawful start on site.

The proposed development will see the redevelopment of the site which was previously occupied by Mirabel House and a surface level car park, with two residential buildings - one 10 storeys and one part 10, part 14 storeys - with ground floor commercial units, and roof terrace.

The scheme will deliver a total of 129 new homes, comprising a range of 1-bed and 2-bed units.


James Ketley joins EKPS as Associate Director


Decision Notice issued for 140 dwellings on Loushers Lane, Warrington