EKPS submit planning application to Manchester City Council for new restaurant in Ancoats

EKPS have recently submitted a planning application for a change of use of the existing building at 46 Henry Street in Ancoats, Manchester City Centre, to create a new restaurant.

The application has been submitted on behalf of Fresh Fuel, a restaurant company specialising in the provision of fresh, healthy, high-quality food.  As part of Fresh Fuel’s current growth strategy, it wishes to open a new restaurant within Manchester City Centre and the building at 46 Henry Street, which is presently vacant, was identified as a suitable location for this.

The proposed development would align with the objectives of the Ancoats and New Islington Development Framework area, by promoting further activity and vibrancy within the local neighbourhood, including on evenings, further strengthening its distinctive sense of place. In addition, it has been designed with the aim of enhancing the character of the Ancoats Conservation Area, within which the site is located.

EKPS were responsible for managing pre-application discussions with the Local Planning Authority and for coordinating the planning submission.


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