EKPS submit application for Use Class C3b on behalf of longstanding client, Bright Futures Care.

We are pleased to be able to continue to advise our client Bright Futures Care Limited, on the expansion of their portfolio of homes for adults with autism, complex needs and learning disabilities, through the submission of an application for a new dwelling (Use Class C3b) on land adjacent to 59 Halebank Road, Widnes.

It is critically important that a range of homes are provided across the UK in order to meet a broader range of housing needs and foster inclusivity within our communities, in line with the ambitions of "Building the Right Support" – published in 2015 by NHS England, the Local Government Association (LGA) and the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) as part of the Transforming Care Programme.  The strategy has been developed to improve the lives of people with learning disabilities and/or autism and seeks to shift the care and support model from institutional settings, such as hospitals, to community-based services. The key principles of "Building the Right Support" include promoting independence, choice, and inclusion for individuals with learning disabilities and/or autism.

There remains some confusion across the country, both within the community and by Planning Officers alike, in relation to the appropriate Planning Use Class of these properties, which can result in undue delays in the delivery of such homes. Notwithstanding, notable recent case law, such as the recent 3 Measham Way Appeal (APP/Z4310/X/23/3316521), have reiterated the correct approach in determining the appropriate Use Class for homes providing care, and the right for individuals to be supported in their own homes, and we are pleased to be able to support Bright Futures Care Limited in navigating these challenges in a positive, pro-active and expedient manner.


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