Moor Lane, Bolton
218 new homes in the heart of Bolton town centre, with quality public realm that improves connections across Bolton town centre.
Artist’s impression of aerial view showing relation to Les Mans Crescent and town centre. Credit: AEW Architects
For: Step Places
With: Bolton at Home, AEW Architects
What is it: The comprehensive redevelopment of a former bus station for 218 new homes with new strategic public realm.
Local Planning Authority: Bolton Council
What we did: We prepared and submitted a credible and robust planning application in double quick time, in order for Step Places to meet an immovable deadline.
Building on already positive relationships with the Council, we sequenced each stage of the application’s preparation, so there were no delays to its submission or validation.
We achieved a timely submission and planning permission.
The new scheme at Moor Lane opens up vistas of the town’s existing historic fabric. Credit: AEW Architects
The challenge
Step Places was faced with an extremely tight funding deadline for securing planning permission. The application needed to be submitted by August 2021 and then approved by November 2021.
The application site held strategic importance in the 2017 Bolton Town Centre Masterplan, identified as a ‘key intervention area’ and key route for improving pedestrian movement across the town. This meant the site – which had lain vacant for some time – was already of significant interest to local politicians, stakeholders and the local community.
Half the site also lies within the Town Hall Conservation Area and in the setting of two important listed buildings, including the famous – thanks to multiple period dramas filming there on location – Le Mans Crescent.
We were under no doubt: it was absolutely key that we got the design right, and fast.
The solution
With our knowledge of the local planning authority (LPA), we advised Step Places to agree a Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) to ensure Bolton had the resources it needed to handle the application. We had regular catch ups with planning officers agreeing details early on, including key views for the Townscape, Heritage and Visual Impact Assessment.
Recognising the political sensitivities, and the ever-ticking countdown to Step Places’ funding deadline, we engaged with the Places Matter! Design Review Panel to iron out design-related concerns and finesse the proposal. This valuable process ensured that the submitted scheme provided quality public realm improvements including two linear parks, enhancing a pedestrian route to the west of the town centre.
Artist’s impression of new linear park. Credit: AEW Architects
We advised on the appointment of a communications expert to expedite matters, ensuring a timely public consultation that could take place before the summer holiday season.
Across all these activities, we maintained open, positive lines of communication with the planning officers, to understand their perspective, so there were no surprises. We worked with a really proactive and responsive planning officer, building on our already established positive relationship with Bolton, who understood the funding timescales and wanted to see something happen at the site.
The benefits
Engaging meaningfully with Places Matter! and key stakeholders early on gave officers and members comfort that this was a well-considered scheme that would really benefit the town.
The approved scheme for 218 homes – with 82 affordable – is transforming not only the character and appearance of the site itself, but also the way that this part of Bolton town centre functions.
All in all, the process demonstrated that with the concerted effort of all parties pulling together in the same direction, a lot can be achieved in a little time.
We’ve since advised Step Places on various minor amendments to the proposal, in order to get the details right and unlock the site.
Looking back, it’s one we’re hugely proud of. The design just works, and the whole team – client, design team and officers alike – pulled together to unlock this strategically important site.
It’s now being delivered and is looking really fantastic.