Consent secured for Kersal Vale Road
In October 2019 EKPS secured Reserved Matters consent, subject to the completion of a Unilateral Undertaking, on behalf of Great Places Housing Association on the site, comprising two distinct parcels of land separated by Kersal Vale Road, in south west Prestwich adjacent to the River Irwell.
The development will deliver 109 new residential dwellings comprising a mix of houses and apartments, together with public open space, landscaping and highways infrastructure and will deliver 65 homes for private sale and 44 affordable residential units in a combination of affordable shared ownership and affordable rent properties. The application proposals also include a safeguarded strip of land to allow for the provision of a new strategic cycle route.
EKPS played a key role in the coordination of the Reserved Matter submission, including the management of the team of technical consultants, but also lead on pre-application discussions with Bury Council’s planning and highways officers. The application was unanimously approved at Bury Council’s Development Control Committee less than 12 weeks following validation of the application.