Seaton House proposal submitted to Stockport Council
EKPS are pleased to have submitted an application for full planning permission to Stockport Council on behalf of One Heritage for the conversion and extension of Seaton House.
The proposal includes the conversion of the existing two storey 19th century building, which is currently only partially occupied as office space, and the redevelopment of the rear car park. The scheme involves an addition of a roof extension on the existing building and a part-five, part-six storey block on the car park.
The scheme, designed by DAY Architects, will deliver 35 apartments. The original building will comprise 15 apartments, while the extension to the rear will contain 20 apartments.
The proposed development will result in the re-use of an underutilised existing building, which will contribute to the Council’s regeneration aims for the Town Centre, whilst providing 35 new homes which would make a meaningful contribution towards addressing the housing land supply shortfall within Stockport.