Derelict Adelphi Lad’s Club approved for 100% Affordable Housing Scheme 

We are pleased to advise that the Decision Notice for the redevelopment of the former Adelphi Lads Club has been issued today.

The team successfully navigated the planning process under a PPA with Salford City Council Officers and approval was given to Beluga Group and ForHousing at Planning Committee last December.

The scheme will see the creation of 63 apartments within a well-designed, high-quality building, designed by JDA architects. It transforms a derelict corner plot into a development that contributes positively to the adjoining city centre and Crescent Framework Area.

Importantly, the scheme will be delivered as 100% affordable housing, helping to address the current under provision of this accommodation within the city. The apartments will exceed the Nationally Described Space Standards and residents will also benefit from a generous area of usable amenity space to the rear of the building.


Planning approved for scheme on Bold Street in Old Trafford