James Ketley

Associate Director


07300 806 110


With 14 years’ experience in the public sector before joining the Euan Kellie team, James is our all-rounder. 

He brings hugely valuable insight into project work, with his experience assessing major and complex planning applications helping him to anticipate challenges and how a local planning authority might respond. It’s earned him the nickname Case Officer Ketley among his colleagues. 

He relishes a challenge, motivated by the potential of how a site’s transformation can improve places and people’s lives.  

James knows the value of building positive, assertive relationships with case officers and others, and he’s good at it. He’s particularly adept at project managing major high-density city centre regeneration projects and thrives in a collaborative environment, knowing from experience that collaboration is always the best way to deliver the right result for a place.  

James is a chartered town planner (MRTPI) with experience in managing the preparation of Environment Impact Assessments (EIA) and schemes with complex considerations like heritage sensitivities.